About us
The Astrophysical Dust Group focuses on the science of cosmic dust nearby and inside the solar system. The main methods used are computer simulations for studying the dust dynamics, and in situ measurements by spacecraft that carry a dust detector on board. We collaborate closely with researchers in astronomy, meteor observations, and also with scientists performing laboratory experiments for calibration of the instruments, that are crucial for understanding the data.
Our research in a nutshell:
- Interstellar dust and interstellar medium, heliosphere, astrospheres
- Monte Carlo simulations of dust trajectories
- In situ measurements of cosmic dust, data analysis
- Mission concepts
The core activities of the group are based on the European Research Council Starting Grant “ASTRODUST: The Heliosphere and the Dust: Characterization of the Solar and Interstellar Neighbourhood”. The main aims of the project are to gain insight in the dynamic outer regions of the heliosphere and to constrain the physical properties and size distribution of interstellar dust particles from the local interstellar cloud, that move through the solar system. Also, we will apply the results to different situations: for astrospheres of other stars and their planets, and for different scenarios of our “habitable heliosphere” - as the solar system wandered throughout the galaxy. We do this by performing and evaluating computer simulations of the interstellar dust dynamics in the context of in situ data from several spacecraft within the solar system and over different periods of time in the solar cycle. The group is involved in several space missions and studies.
The project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº851544.